Thursday, October 25, 2018

Faster Renewals For Examination Subscriptions

Testing your in-app subscriptions is a critical pace inwards ensuring you're offering your customers a high character service.

In social club to brand testing easier in addition to faster, starting on Feb 20th, nosotros are introducing shorter renewal intervals for examine purchases made amongst license-test accounts. Currently, subscriptions yesteryear license-test accounts renew daily. The novel changes volition permit you lot to examine an entire subscription cycle, including half-dozen renewals, inwards nether an hour. We volition likewise endure shortening the testing fourth dimension intervals of features such equally grace flow in addition to trouble organisation human relationship hold.

Please endure aware that these changes are coming then you lot tin update your testing flows accordingly prior to the change. Also annotation that existing examine subscriptions yet active on Feb 20, 2018 volition automatically endure canceled at that time.

Renewal times

Renewal times volition vary based on the subscription period:

Subscription period Test subscription period
1 calendar week 5 minutes
1 calendar month 5 minutes
3 calendar month 10 minutes
6 calendar month 15 minutes
1 yr 30 minutes

Time intervals of the next features volition likewise endure shortened for examine subscriptions:

Feature Test period
Free case 3 minutes
Introductory toll flow Same equally examine subscription flow
Grace flow (both three in addition to vii day) 5 minutes
Account concur 10 minutes

Note: These times are approximate; you lot may encounter but about modest variations inwards the precise fourth dimension of an event. To compensate for variation, telephone telephone the Google Play Developer API to sentiment electrical flow condition afterwards every subscription expiration date.

Renewal limit

Due to the increase inwards renewal frequency, the issue of renewals is express to half-dozen regular renewals (not including intro price/free trial). After half-dozen renewals, the subscription volition endure automatically canceled.


Here are several examples of how the novel renewal times are applied.

Free trial

Grace period

Account hold

Don't forget to depository fiscal establishment stand upwards for the Testing In-app Billing page for to a greater extent than details on testing your subscriptions. If you lot yet bring questions, orbit out through the comments or transportation your inquiry on Stackoverflow using the tag google-play.

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Faster Renewals For Examination Subscriptions
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