Monday, October 22, 2018

Discover Tools For Android Information Migration In Addition To Meliorate Your App Retention

Posted past times Sean McQuillan (@objcode) as well as Prateek Tandon (@ptandon05)

What happens to app usage as well as accessibility when people acquire novel phones? The feedback we've had is that people desire apps to piece of occupation lead out of the box, merely similar on their former phones.

Developers of successful apps powerfulness also live on used to thinking most user activation inwards a model borrowed lead from web. On the web, people register novel accounts, activate past times finding groovy features, as well as hence acquire retained when they sense value, as well as come upwards dorsum repeatedly to utilization your spider web page.

The storey is much the same on mobile. People register to do novel accounts, activate past times using your groovy features, as well as hence acquire retained when they discovery value as well as repeatedly launch your app. However, there's i large difference. Android apps typically shop to a greater extent than information compared to your average spider web session. You ordinarily never bring to re-enter your password for an Android app for years, post draw of piece of occupation organisation human relationship creation, that is until the 2d you lot acquire a novel phone.

Getting a novel telephone tin live on a rare number for many people - about going years betwixt upgrading devices. However, overall a large proportion of those who utilization your app volition acquire a novel telephone every year. We bring several tools to help you lot buy the farm along people logged in, engaged, as well as happy when they utilization your app on a novel phone.

Back upwards your app data

Auto Backup for apps should live on configured for every application. This characteristic does just what it says - automatically backs upwards your app data. So when people acquire a novel phone, their app information is automatically restored earlier your app launches.

To configure Auto Backup for your app you lot necessitate to setup include/exclude rules:


<application ...     android:fullBackupContent="@xml/autobackup"> 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <full-backup-content>     <include domain="sharedpref" path="."/>     <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="device.xml"/> </full-backup-content> 

When configuring include/exclude rules it's of import to avoid storing sensitive user information inwards Auto Backup, although it's a groovy house to shop user specific settings as well as other app content!

To implement tracking for Auto Backup register a BackupAgent as well as nous for onQuotaExceeded(long, long) callback. If your app exceeds the 25MB backup limit, this callback volition live on your notification of failure. In a good configured app this volition never happen, hence you lot tin runway it every bit a crash report.

Learn to a greater extent than most Auto Backup for apps.

Optimize log-in

When nosotros verbalize to people most the experiences they desire on their novel phones they're real clear; they desire your app to recollect who they are, as well as they don't desire to re-enter a password. There are several ways you lot tin scope this every bit a developer:

  • Use Google Sign-In to brand login frictionless. People tin sign inwards amongst their Gmail account, or whatever e-mail address. Most importantly, they don't necessitate to recollect a password. On top of improving registration as well as activation, enabling Google Sign-In volition also help amongst retentivity every bit it allows those getting novel phones to reactivate amongst a unmarried button, or fifty-fifty automatically. Even better, you lot tin utilization Google Sign-In for the same login sense for your iOS, Web, as well as Android applications. This seamless sense is also available if your app uses Firebase Auth to handgrip Google Sign-In.
  • Make things simpler past times using Google Smart Lock as well as Autofill. These ii features piece of occupation mitt inwards mitt to help people safely access their passwords. Autofill was introduced inwards Android O, as well as volition offering to relieve your app user's passwords to the Smart Lock datastore, or their preferred password manager, automatically when they log in. To gear upwards your app, setup Autofill hints, as well as exclude fields that should non live on filled past times the Autofill framework.

android:id="@+id/username" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:autofillHints="username" />

<TextView android:id="@+id/password" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:autofillHints="password" />

<TextView android:id="@+id/captcha" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:importantForAutofill="no" />

  • Integrate the Smart Lock for Passwords API to safely shop passwords. It's backwards compatible to API ix as well as plant groovy on devices amongst older versions of Android that don't piece of occupation amongst Autofill. Similar to Autofill, Smart Lock API volition offering a dialog to relieve people's passwords later on they log in. But fifty-fifty improve - it enables programmatic retrieval for automatic provide to user sign-in, fifty-fifty across novel devices as well as inwards Chrome. To back upwards this Smart Lock functionality you lot volition necessitate to include about code inwards your app; banking firm lucifer out the Codelab to larn how to integrate Smart Lock for Passwords to your app. Also, live on certain to link your app as well as website, for a smoothen sense across Chrome as well as Android amongst Autofill as well as Smart Lock.
  • Consider using the Account Transfer API hence your app tin transfer credentials from an former telephone to a novel one. It does this using an encrypted bluetooth/cable, as well as you lot tin transfer information from phones running API fourteen or higher. Account transfer happens when your app user is setting upwards their novel telephone for the showtime time, though your app doesn't necessitate to live on installed from the Google Play Store. When your app re-installs from Google Play, the credentials volition live on available to your app on showtime launch. Watch to a greater extent than best practices to acquire started amongst the Account Transfer API, as well as read the API guide for Account Transfer.
  • Codelabs

    If you lot haven't already, crusade the Auto Backup for Android Codelab, as well as SmartLock Codelab.

    Improving retentivity on Android for many people volition involve trying to overcome the friction of device switches. With a rich toolbox at your disposal to transfer settings amongst Auto Backup, as well as to improve the login sense amongst Google Sign-In, Smart Lock for Passwords, Autofill, as well as Account Transfer API, you lot bring the chance to deliver a groovy user story: your app plant on people's novel phones, merely similar it did on their former phones.

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